One rainy night in 1995, Petrushka realised that he couldn't live in denial anymore. Yes, he had to

admit that he liked that "Shaving my Neck" song which used to irritate the crap out of him before.

Yes, he thought the girls from the Switchblade Symphony were a "bit of alright." Yes, he owned a

Bauhaus T-shirt.Unable to continue the lie any longer (namely, "I am not a goth") Petrushka decided

to take this whole goth-industrial caper a little more seriously.

Now that Petrushka is an experienced DJ he takes himself exceedingly seriously, and refers to

himself in the narrative third person. [Ed: teehee]


Favourite Albums:

Faith and the Muse: Annwyn Beneath the Waves

The 3rd and the Mortal: Tears Laid in Earth

The Cure: Faith

The Horatii: Riposte

Christian Death: Castastrophe Ballet


Favourite Gigs:

The Nefilim: Nottingham UK, 1996.

Corpus Delicti: Whitby, UK,1996.


Favourite Songs at the Moment:

L'Ame Immortelle: Love is Lost (derVish mix)

El Luto Del Rey Cuervo: El Valls Delos Mentirosos

Battery: Aftermath


Favourite Songs of All Time:

Danse Society: Clock

Fields of the Nephilim: The Watchman

Cronos Titan: The Creator

Sopor Aeternus: Birth-Fiendish Figuration

The Cure: Siamese Twins


DJ Petrushka always tries to keep his mind open to new musical experiences.At the moment he

specialises in ethereal, darkwave, post-gothic rock, medieval-folk and the "grey areas" synthpop

and electro (though if you get him liquored up he'll thrash out the old goth-industrial classics).

All promotional information, recommendations, abuse, fan-mail etc. most welcome.


You can contact me via e-mail here